Tooth-Coloured Fillings (White Fillings)
Although popularly known as white fillings, tooth-coloured filling are actually matched very closely to the natural colour of your own tooth.
First-Time Patient?
Consultation, Exam, x-rays, and Cleaning.
For many years now, the traditional silver filling (amalgam) has been the material used for all teeth except the front ones. While silver amalgam fillings are strong and long-lasting, they don’t look good as they tarnish and darken with age, changing the colour of the whole tooth.
Although popularly known as white fillings, tooth-coloured filling are actually matched very closely to the natural colour of your own tooth.
Modern tooth coloured fillings can be used for back teeth as well as front ones, and even heavily filled teeth can be transformed at one visit. They can be made out of composite resin materials, or alternatively ceramics. These can give excellent results and be virtually indistinguishable from a natural tooth, as well as being very hard wearing and long lasting.

Tooth-Coloured Fillings
You can eat on these fillings straight away because they ‘set’ completely before you leave us and they are mercury-free unlike the traditional amalgam fillings.
Tooth-coloured fillings are bonded to your natural tooth using special bonding agents. This means that often there is less drilling than with amalgam fillings and in some cases, for instance if you chip a tooth, you may not need to have any drilling at all.
Choice of Tooth-Coloured Fillings
Obviously there many things to consider when choosing the best material for any individual situation – your bite and the size of the filling are just two things that would affect the choice.
Book An Appointment
We provide a full range of dental care for the whole family
at affordable cost in a friendly and caring environment.
Call: (01225) 461572
Working Hours
Mon-Fri 09:00 to 13:00, 14:00 to 17:00.
Free Consultation
Please call (01225) 461572 or contact us through our website.

Pulteney Dental Practice
Pulteney Dental Practice is situated in the centre of Bath just a few metres away from Pulteney Bridge. We are one of the longest established practices in Bath and have been located in our current premises for over 30 years. We provide a full range of dental care for the whole family at affordable cost in a friendly and caring environment.